Wednesday 30 September 2015

Canton Tea Co. Classic Earl Grey Review

Type: Loose leaf
Where: Restaurant
How: Personal pot

Canton’s Classic Earl Grey did not impress. I had it in a pot that allowed for 3 small cups. The first taste is very floral, almost a vanilla taste which I was quite thrown back by. I was amazed at how light the tea was and it did not give off much smell. I always prefer when you can smell the bergamot, reminds you why you came in the first place. I enjoyed the second cup a bit more as it allowed for more of the bergamot taste to come out in the tea which hid the floral notes. Seeping time was probably 5-7 minutes at that point. It is not a tea to get you up in the morning or to enjoy mid afternoon. It won’t keep you warm in the winter or help put hair on your chest. I’d say it's is more of a summer tea to have in the backyard reading or in conversation.

Canton Tea Co seems to have an organic version of the tea  with darjeeling which is getting higher reviews on their site. If you’re looking to try Canton earl grey teas I’d suggest going with that one. Looking forward to trying that one out one day.

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