Friday 2 October 2015

Starbucks (UK) Earl Grey Review

Starbucks used to sell Tazo tea but it appears they switched to their own branded brew - at least in the UK. In the US they carry Teavana branded tea at the time of this writing.

Starbuck’s Earl Grey gives off a nice scent. You’ll look hip smelling it as you take in Starbucks over-curated alternative music playlist. Cup takes a bit to cool as it’s scalding hot when they give it to you, as is their tradition. When I took the bag out after 4min I noticed the tea bag was massive, so big it could be used as a pillow for a dachshund. The more I drank the more I noticed a hint of a spicy taste similar to a chai tea. Made me a bit sick after a while. Personally I don’t like chai - hence the earl grey blog. The tea does leave a nice taste in your mouth making you want that next sip.

Overall this tea feels a bit empty. Bit soulless. Tea doesn’t seem to infuse fully in the water, just cohabitants within it. Not too much of a fan of this brew. Tastes quite similar to their previous Tazo offering, maybe they just rebranded it. Starbucks earl grey has always tasted a bit like cardboard to me. Guess they make the bag really big as some sort of compensation for quality.

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