Wednesday 14 October 2015

Whittard Extravagant Earl Grey Review

Tea: White tea
Type: Loose leaf
Additional Ingredients: Madagascan vanilla, rose petals, marigold petals, cornflower petals
Origin: China
Vessel: Personal pot
I was about out of Whittard's store when I noticed there was an Extravagant Earl Grey. With a name like that how can you not try it. Seemed like a challenge even.

Store attendant warned that this blend incorporated white tea instead of black and that I was in for some flowers. I decided to man up and give it a go. The attendant let me smell the massive jug it was stored in and my ears perked up. All the smells in this blend are turned up to 11. Super awesome bergamot smell competing with equally strong vanilla and floral scents. It had a lot going on. I was intrigued. Once made the brew had a very light color being that it was a white tea.  

This blend is really the tale of two teas. It does a complete 180 on you. The start has a really amazing light earl grey taste then all the sudden turns on you and you’re in vanillaland. I must say vanillaland is a nicer town than I was expecting it to be. It has a nicely balanced mix to not make you think you’re having a creamsickle from concentrate. It is here you taste the rose, marigold, and cornflower petals. Not really my cup of tea as we say in the tea blogging biz but I do say I felt a tad bit extravagant. Worth a try for sure.

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