Wednesday 7 October 2015

Twinings Lady Grey Review

Twinings Lady Grey isn’t just for the ladies. The taste and smell of it reminds me of biodegradable lemony citrus soaps and other items that are intended to be safe for use in the woods, which I particularly enjoy. It is a thin brew. Very watery and not as thick or full as Twinings The Earl Grey. A fresh cup of it gives off a citrus and lemon scent. No real bergamot taste here. It is described as a ‘pale golden tea’ so it is much more mild than a black tea with no chance of too strong black tea regret syndrome. Do to it’s extreme drinkability it is very much marketed towards women because it is a brew you can have to "sit and chat, sip and gossip" which men just don’t do over earl grey obviously. Its a tea I see myself enjoying with my mother on the porch.

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